Laser Treatment For Eye Floaters - Site Auqri
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Laser Treatment For Eye Floaters

Laser Floater Removal Surgery West Boca Eye Center

What are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are tiny specks or spots that appear to float across your field of vision. They are normally harmless and are caused by small pieces of collagen or other matter that casts shadows onto the retina of your eye. Although they can be annoying, they usually don’t interfere with your vision. However, if the floaters become very dense or you experience flashes of light, it is important to seek medical attention.

Floaters can be especially bothersome when looking at bright objects, such as a computer screen or a white wall. It is important to note that these floaters are not caused by a medical condition, however, they are simply a sign of aging. As you age, the vitreous in your eye breaks down, which can cause these spots to appear. Floaters can also be caused by trauma to the eye or other medical conditions.

Eye floaters can be annoying, but the good news is that there are treatments available to help reduce their appearance. Laser treatment for eye floaters is one of the most popular treatments for this condition.

How Does Laser Treatment for Eye Floaters Work?

Laser treatment for eye floaters works by using a laser to break up the floaters into smaller pieces. This makes them less visible, relieving the annoyance they cause. The laser is carefully targeted to the floaters, so that it does not damage any other parts of the eye. The laser treatment is usually done in an outpatient setting and it is usually only necessary to do one treatment.

Laser treatment for eye floaters is a relatively new treatment, but it has already been proven to be effective and safe. It is also less invasive than other treatments, such as vitrectomy, which involves surgically removing the vitreous from the eye. Laser treatment is also more affordable than other treatments.

Although laser treatment for eye floaters can be effective, it is important to note that it is not a cure-all. The floaters may still be visible, although they will appear less often. It is also important to note that the floaters may return, although usually not in the same intensity as before the treatment.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Laser Treatment for Eye Floaters?

Although laser treatment for eye floaters is generally safe and effective, there are some risks associated with the procedure. The most common risk is of eye damage, as the laser is carefully targeted to the floaters in the eye. There is also a risk of infection or inflammation in the eye. Additionally, it is important to note that laser treatment for eye floaters is not covered by health insurance.

It is important to discuss any risks associated with laser treatment for eye floaters with your doctor before undergoing the procedure. Your doctor will be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with advice on how to minimize the risks associated with the procedure.

Laser treatment for eye floaters is an effective and safe way to reduce the appearance of floaters. However, it is important to understand the risks associated with the procedure and to discuss them with your doctor before undergoing the procedure.


Laser treatment for eye floaters is an effective and safe way to reduce the appearance of eye floaters. However, it is important to discuss any risks associated with the procedure with your doctor before undergoing the procedure. Laser treatment for eye floaters can be an effective way to reduce the annoyance caused by eye floaters.