Pilonidal Cyst Home Treatment - Site Auqri
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Pilonidal Cyst Home Treatment

15 Effective Home Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst Pilonidal cyst

What are Pilonidal Cysts?

Pilonidal cysts are cysts or abscesses that occur near the tailbone in between the buttocks. These cysts are usually filled with pus and can be painful. Although pilonidal cysts can develop in people of any age, they are most common in young adults and are rare in children. Pilonidal cysts are caused by ingrown hairs and the accumulation of debris in the deep crease of the buttocks.

Pilonidal cysts are usually not serious, but can become infected and cause pain and swelling. Treatment for pilonidal cysts may include antibiotics, drainage of the cyst, or surgery to remove the cyst. Home remedies such as warm compresses and sitz baths can also help to reduce pain and swelling.

Home Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts

There are a few home remedies that may help to reduce the pain and swelling associated with pilonidal cysts. Warm compresses, such as a warm washcloth, applied to the affected area several times a day can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Additionally, sitz baths, or shallow baths taken in warm water, can also help to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

It is also important to keep the affected area clean and dry. Wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid tight clothes that may rub against the cyst and cause irritation. Additionally, avoid activities that may irritate the cyst, such as bike riding or sitting for long periods of time.

When to See a Doctor

If home remedies do not help to ease the pain and swelling associated with a pilonidal cyst, it is important to see a doctor. A doctor can diagnose the cyst and determine the best course of treatment. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat an infection and the cyst may need to be drained or removed surgically.

If the cyst becomes infected, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Signs of infection include increased swelling, redness, pain, and drainage of pus. If left untreated, a pilonidal cyst infection can spread to other parts of the body and become life threatening.


Pilonidal cysts can be painful and uncomfortable, but there are home remedies that can help reduce the pain and swelling. Warm compresses and sitz baths can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Additionally, it is important to keep the affected area clean and dry and to avoid activities that may irritate the cyst. If home remedies do not help, it is important to seek medical attention right away, as an infection can spread to other parts of the body.