Uterine Prolapse Treatment Non Surgical - Site Auqri
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Uterine Prolapse Treatment Non Surgical

PPT Uterus Prolapsed Treatment By Non Surgical PowerPoint

What is Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the uterus or womb drops from its normal position in the pelvis and bulges into the vagina. It is a common condition in women, especially those who have been pregnant or gone through labor, and can cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms. Uterine prolapse can be treated both surgically and non-surgically, depending on the severity of the condition.

Uterine prolapse occurs when the ligaments and muscles that normally support the uterus become weakened or damaged, allowing the uterus to sag out of its normal position in the pelvis. It can be caused by childbirth, menopause, pelvic surgery, or other factors. Symptoms of uterine prolapse include pelvic pressure, a feeling of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis, frequent or difficult urination or defecation, and lower back pain.

Uterine Prolapse Treatment Non Surgical

Non-surgical uterine prolapse treatment focuses on restoring the uterine support structures and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. This can be done through exercise, lifestyle changes, and use of a vaginal pessary. Exercise is important in treating uterine prolapse as it strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which help to hold the uterus in place. Physical therapy may also be prescribed to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Lifestyle changes may also be recommended as part of a non-surgical treatment plan. These may include losing weight, avoiding heavy lifting, and avoiding constipation. A vaginal pessary is a device that is inserted into the vagina to help support the uterus and reduce the symptoms of uterine prolapse. When used in conjunction with other non-surgical treatments, a vaginal pessary can effectively reduce the symptoms of uterine prolapse.


Uterine prolapse is a common condition in women, especially those who have been pregnant or gone through labor. Uterine prolapse can be treated both surgically and non-surgically, depending on the severity of the condition. Non-surgical treatment of uterine prolapse focuses on restoring the uterine support structures and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. This can be done through exercise, lifestyle changes, and use of a vaginal pessary. When used in combination with other non-surgical treatments, a vaginal pessary can effectively reduce the symptoms of uterine prolapse.