Business Plan Competition 2016: A Guide To Succeed - Site Auqri
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Business Plan Competition 2016: A Guide To Succeed

Deadline Extended IUS Annual Business Plan Competition IUS

Understanding the Basics

Business plan competitions are a great way for entrepreneurs and startups to get a leg up in the business world. The basic premise is simple - submit a business plan to a competition, and if your plan is chosen as the best, you can win a significant business boost - from seed capital to access to resources, or even a chance to have your business idea developed into a reality. But with so many competitions out there, it can be hard to know where to start. To help you succeed in the 2016 Business Plan Competition, we’ve put together this guide.

The first step is to find the right competition. There are many different types of business plan competitions, from global competitions that offer hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes, to local competitions that offer seed capital and mentorship. It’s important to find the competition that’s right for you - one that will provide the resources you need to get your business off the ground. Make sure to read the rules and regulations of any competition you’re considering, and to make sure that the competition is reputable.

The second step is to prepare your business plan. This is where you’ll need to put in the hard work and make sure that your plan is as strong as possible. A business plan is your blueprint for success, and it’s essential that you make sure it’s well thought-out and comprehensive. Make sure to include a thorough market research, a detailed financial plan, and a solid strategy for marketing and growth. You should also make sure to highlight your unique strengths and the reasons why your business is the right choice for the competition.

Making a Winning Impression

When it comes to business plan competitions, the quality of your presentation is just as important as the quality of your plan. Make sure to pay attention to the details, from the formatting to the font size and color. You should also make sure to use language that is clear and concise, and to make sure that your presentation is professional and polished. Don’t underestimate the power of making a good impression - if your presentation looks great, you’ll stand out from the competition and have a better chance of success.

The third step is to practice your presentation. Make sure to practice in front of friends and family, or even in front of a mirror, to make sure that you’re comfortable with your plan and your presentation. You should also make sure to practice with a timer - you don’t want to be cut off mid-presentation, so make sure to practice staying within the allotted time. Finally, make sure to keep up with the competition - make sure to stay up-to-date on any changes or updates to the competition, and to make sure that you’re prepared for any changes that may arise.

The Final Step: Submitting Your Plan

Once you’ve prepared your business plan, practiced your presentation, and made sure to keep up with the competition, it’s time to submit your plan. Make sure to read the rules and regulations of the competition, and to make sure that you’ve followed all the requirements. You should also make sure to keep a copy of your plan, and to make sure that you’ve submitted your plan to the correct competition. Finally, make sure to submit your plan on time - late submissions won’t be considered, so make sure to submit your plan before the deadline.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to success in the 2016 Business Plan Competition. With careful preparation and a great plan, you’ll be ready to take on the competition and to make your business a success. Good luck!


In conclusion, business plan competitions are a great way for entrepreneurs and startups to get a leg up in the business world. With the right preparation and the right plan, you can make sure that you’re ready to compete in the 2016 Business Plan Competition and to make your business a success.